Call for Papers: LINGUAPAX ASIA 2024 - International Symposium
|Online submission of papers
The symposium highlights the role of languages in building peace, preventing war and promoting conflict resolution. Linguapax Asia promotes linguistic tolerance and language diversity. Multilingualism and plurilingualism, enable engagement, foster public enlightenment and promote inclusivity.

Time & Location
2024年9月01日 23:58
Online submission of papers
About the event
Call for Papers
Abstract submission: Please send your proposal for a paper or poster session to Dr. Fred Anderson,
Program Director at by the deadline, September 1 (Sunday), 2024. We
welcome original and previously unpublished papers. The language of the conference is English.
Papers are assigned 30 minutes plus Q&A. No financial or visa assistance is given to presenters.
Young scholars and graduate students are welcome. There is free admission for students.
Abstract (in English) to be sent by email attachment: 300-350 words, plus title and references,Times
New Roman, 12 pt. with the author’s: name and affiliation, e-mail address of the first author.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent by October 1st, 2024.
Description: Linguapax Asia 24 is held in the world’s first nuclear bombed city. The symposium
highlights the role of languages in building peace, preventing war and promoting conflict resolution.
Linguapax Asia promotes linguistic tolerance and language diversity. Multilingualism and plurilingualism
enable engagement, foster public enlightenment and promote inclusive societies. Language can also be
an agent of social division, discrimination and micro-nationalisms. Possible themes include:
▪ language in nationalism, national and regional conflict
▪ language and well-being
▪ migration and language
▪ language as a means of conflict resolution
▪ the language and metaphors of war
▪ language in community integration
▪ the role of indigenous languages in peace and national development
▪ language learning as a means of peace education
Attendance Fee: 2000 JY. Free admission for students. Participants are entitled to attend the
Hiroshima JALT conference which is held concurrently (December 13-15) at the same venue.
Venue: Eikei University of Hiroshima, Noboricho, Hiroshima.
About Linguapax: Linguapax Asia works in partnership with Linguapax International, an NGO in
Barcelona, Spain. Linguapax Asia carries out the objectives of both Linguapax International and
UNESCO's Linguapax Project with a special focus on Asia and the Pacific Rim. For further information
visit our website at
The organizers: The event is organized jointly by Linguapax Asia, Eikei University of Hiroshima,
Hiroshima JALT Chapter and JALT’s Global Issues SIG.