Newsletter Archives
Our final issue of 1996 features articles on the environment and language teaching, a world survey of teenager’s interests and global concerns plus reports on an Australian peace education conference and a South-East Asian international schools conference. This also includes a profile of key books on teaching peace and tolerance, a report on UNESCO Linguapax at JALT’96 with Felix Marti’s keynote speech and a touching Christmas story from Germany about prejudice and global interdependence. Best wishes to all for a better world in 1997!
Special features of this issue are:
Announcements: Pan-Asian’97, AIDS Network, peace translation appeal
JALT Global Issues N-SIG Officers / Donating textbooks / Recycled paper
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
News from JALT’s Global Issues N-SIG and other ELT organizations
Conference Report: SEATCCO'96 International Schools (Bangkok, Thailand)
Conference Report: IPRA’96 Int’l Peace Research Association (Australia)
The Exodus of the Foreigners: A Christmas Story from E. Nuissi (Germany)
Language Education for World Peace by Felix Marti (UNESCO Linguapax)
Linguapax at JALT’96 in Hiroshima by Ruth Maschmeier
The Environment and Language Teaching by Hermann Troll
World Survey of Teenagers’ Interests 1994-1995 by Julianna Dudas
Book Review: The Millennium Whole Earth Catalog by Jessica Newby-Kawata
Appeals: Volunteers for Thailand / Participants for Peace Education Survey
Holiday Reading: Books on Peace, Tolerance and Social Responsibility
Global Education: Who's Doing What?
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Global Calendars and Almanacs for the Year 1997
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network
Our summer issue of 1996 features articles on teaching global issues to children in Japan, environmental awareness in Brazil and computer software in the global issues classroom. Other topics include teaching about the Olympics and about the Middle East, reports on “One World Week” in Portugal and peace education in Tokyo, conference reports on TESOL’96 in Chicago and IATEFL’96 in England plus global issue summer reading, a preview of JALT’96 in Hiroshima and a report on women in language education. Best wishes to all our readers for a good summer break!
Special features of this issue are:
Announcements: Conferences and seminars on peace and global issues
JALT Global Issues N-SIG Officers / Donating textbooks / Recycled paper
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
News from JALT and the Global Issues National Special Interest Group
Report: GILE Peace Education conference (June 9, Soka University, Tokyo)
Conference Report: TESOL'96 (March 29 - April 1 in Chicago, USA)
Conference Report: IATEFL'96 (April 9 - 12 in Stoke-on-Trent, England)
News from national and international language teaching organizations
English Class Taps World for its Lessons - Asahi Evening News article
Computer-Enhanced Learning in the Global Issues Classroom by Joy Egbert
Environmental Awareness: EFL, Portuguese and History by Marli Moreira
One World in the Classroom by Janice Clark (British Council, Portugal)
Activity Report: Women in Education and Language Learning (WELL)
A Visit to Spry Peace School in Chicago, Illinois by Kip Cates
Teaching About the Middle East by Alan Fisher
Special feature: Teaching About the Olympics
Global Books for Summer: Talking Peace, Global Citizen, Better World…
Global Education: Who's Doing What?
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network
Our final issue for 1995 features articles on team-teaching in Asia and a "partnership stories" project, news of global education graduate programs and a global ed summer school in England. Other topics include reports on AIDS education and a new "women in language education" network, a Korean high school lesson on tolerance and prejudice and conference reports on LINGUAPAX in Australia and JALT'95 in Nagoya. This issue also includes news about global awareness workshops, peace action projects, global issue holiday reading and global education calendars to brighten up your classroom. We hope you like our new look on "white yamayuri" recycled paper. Thanks to everyone for all your support last year and good luck for a productive year of global education in 1996!
Special features of this issue are:
Announcements: Peace workshop, Egypt exchanges, Appeal from H.D. Brown
JALT Global Issues N-SIG Officers / Donating textbooks / Recycled paper
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
Conference Report Part I: Global issues at JALT'95 (Nov. 2-5 in Nagoya)
New group: Women in Education and Language Learning (WELL)
Conference Report: LINGUAPAX V (June 30 - July 2, Melbourne, Australia)
Teaching Against Prejudice: The New Doctor (a Korean EFL textbook lesson)
An AIDS Conference Report by Susan Miller
Global Team Teaching: Thailand-Japan by Jim Kahny & Junko Mukainakano
Profile: The Partnership Stories Project (Jean Eisele & Liz Sipprell)
Special reports: Global Awareness Workshop / Peace Letters & Posters Project
Graduate Programs in Global Education by Jessica Newby-Kawata
Global Education Summer School in York by Margot Brown & Keiko Yamamoto
Who's Doing What? - Members networking page
Environmental Education Resources from the 1995 Edmund Science Catalog
Global Issue Books for Holiday Reading: Prejudice, war, cults, a better world
1996 Global Education Calendars and Almanacs
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network
This issue features articles on sex education and the environmental awareness of language peace education with an article on peace organizations and a lesson on nuclear weapons. This issue also announces the formation of a Global Issues SIG in the IATEFL organization and an appeal to set up a TESOL Peace Education Caucus. JALT SIG members should fill out and mail the enclosed postcard to help us make a Global Issues SIG Directory.
Special features of this issue are:
Announcements: Workshops, study tours, events, calls for papers
JALT Global Issues N-SIG Officers / Donating textbooks / Recycled paper
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
News from the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
News from other language teaching associations (IATEFL, Korea TESOL)
Conference Report: TESOL'95 (March 29 - April 1 in Long Beach, USA)
Conference Report: "Bridges to the Future" (April 6 - 9 in New York, USA)
Time and Life's Heroes by Kevin Staff
Special feature: Teaching About War and Peace
Peace Issues: Organizations and Education by Kazuyo Yamane
Teaching About the Dangers of Nuclear Weapons by Michael Gilmore
Sex Education: A Necessary Aspect of TESOL by Norman J. Yoshida
Promoting Cultural Sensitivity Among Students by Johnnie Hafernik
Invitation: 1995 TESOL Peace Education Institute in Vermont
Who's Doing What? - Members networking page
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network
This is our last newsletter for the year. In this issue, we've included a review of JALT global education chapter presentations in 1994, fall conference reports from Japan and Korea, articles on junk mail and intercultural understanding plus teaching ideas and resources related to two key dates this month: International AIDS Day (Dec. 1) and International Human Rights Day (Dec. 10). With this issue, we'd also like to wish you all a pleasant winter holiday and a Happy New Year! We hope that the ideas and resources in this newsletter issue inspire you to move into 1995 with a renewed commitment to global education language teaching.
Special features of this issue are:
Announcements: Workshops, study tours, events, calls for papers
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
Report for 1994: Global issue presentations at regional JALT chapters
Report: Global issues presentations at JALT'94 in Matsuyama (Part I)
Conference Report: Korea TESOL’94 in Seoul “The Past Meets the Future”
Special feature: Teaching About Human Rights
Human Rights and Language Teaching by Paul Hitchfield
Teaching Amnesty in English by Jessica Newby-Kawata
Special feature: Teaching about AIDS
Resisting the Exotic: Comparative Culture from all Sides by Joshua Dale
How to Stop Unwanted Direct Mail by Atsuko Ushimaru
Who's Doing What? - Members networking page
Global calendar for 1995: Key international days, years and decades
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network
This issue features a wide variety of news and information on global themes: articles on peace education through poetry and global issues through radio, conference reports from the US and Thailand, contributions from teachers in Poland and Korea plus a report on global issue organizations worldwide. Please let us know of any global ed related summer plans you have. Otherwise, we hope this issue encourages you with your teaching and look forward to receiving your comments, news or articles for printing in a future newsletter.
Special features of this issue are:
Announcements / News from Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
Global education news from language teaching organizations
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
Conference Report: TESOL'94 (March 8-12 in Baltimore, USA)
Conference Report: Thai TESOL'94 (January 13-15 in Bangkok, Thailand)
Revised guidelines: Environmentally-friendly Actions to Encourage
Global Issues and Poetry in the Language Class by Nick Owen
Keeping Current on Global Issues: A Listener’s Guide by Charles McHugh
Language Teaching and Global Education in Poland by Danuta Wisniewska
A Japan-Northern Ireland EFL E-Mail Exchange by Akio Kido
Special Reports: Global Issues at the YMCA / Collective Consciousness in Korea
Teacher Role Play to Attack Prejudice by Mario Rinvolucri
Who's Doing What? - Members networking page
Vietnam: Breaking the Poverty Cycle by Tim Newfields
Directories of Global Issue Groups Worldwide
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network
Our fall issue of 1996 features articles on non-violence by Rajmohan Gandhi, debating social issues in China, a global issues textbook lesson from Brazil and global issues on the Internet. This also includes a report on a peace education conference in Tokyo, news from IATEFL’s Global Issues SIG in England and a profile of key global education handbooks. Other topics include information on UNESCO Linguapax, a book review on world literature and a preview of this year’s exciting JALT’96 conference in Hiroshima, city of peace - please plan to come and attend!
Special features of this issue are:
Announcements: AIDS Network, global ed events, peace translation appeal
JALT Global Issues N-SIG Officers / Donating textbooks / Recycled paper
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
News from JALT’s Global Issues N-SIG, Korea TESOL and JACET
Conference Preview: JALT'96 (November 1-4 in Hiroshima, Japan)
Overview: Peace Events and UNESCO LINGUAPAX sessions at JALT'96
Summary: UNESCO’s LINGUAPAX 1987 Kiev Declaration
Series: Global Issues in World Textbooks – A Brazilian EFL unit on protest
News from IATEFL’s new Global Issues Special Interest Group (GI-SIG)
Communication through Debate by Wang Qun (Qingdao University, China)
Peace Education Conference Report: IIPE'96 (August 23 - 30 in Tokyo)
Preparing the World for Non-Violence by Rajmohan Gandhi
Special feature: Global Issues on the Internet
Book Review: Explorations in World Literature by Kayo Ozawa
Global Education: Who's Doing What?
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Key Books: World Studies, Global Teacher, Worldways, Next Steps in GE
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network
Our first issue of 1996 features articles on overcoming cultural stereotypes, teaching about the Holocaust and studying the Beijing Women’s Conference. This also includes news of Israeli-Palestinian EFL cooperation, a summer volunteer program in Thailand, reports on philosophy in the classroom and on global issues through writing. Other highlights include conference reports on Korea TESOL and JALT'95 plus environmental guidelines, global education magazines and a report on women in language education. Kip Cates will be in the US from March 14 - 31 and in the UK from April 6 - 14, so please bear with his lack of response during these times. Best wishes for spring!
Special features of this issue are:
Announcements: Conferences on peace, environment, culture, education
JALT Global Issues N-SIG Officers / Donating textbooks / Recycled paper
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
JALT'95 Conference Report (Part II) plus JALT and N-SIG News
Conference Report: Korea TESOL 1995 (October 27 – 29 in Seoul)
News from national and international language teaching organizations
Profile: Women in Education and Language Learning (WELL)
Teaching a UN Summit / NGO Forum by Jeris E. Strain
Philosophy in the Classroom: Bertrand Russell by Iwao Sasada
International Understanding: A Country Like Mine by Clem Laroy (Belgium)
Israeli - Palestinian EFL Collaboration by Linn Forhan (Ohio University)
Special feature: Teaching About the Holocaust (ideas, activities, resources)
Writing About Global Issues by Susan Niemeyer
Appeal: C.A.N. H.E.L.P. Thailand Volunteer Program by David Rines
GILE Environmental Guidelines / Book: The Meaning of Internationalization
Global Education: Who's Doing What?
Profile: Global Education Magazines and Newsletters
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network
Our fall issue features articles on cultural awareness and 'subversive' language teaching, reports on last summer’s TESOL Peace Education Institute and other conferences plus greetings from the new IATEFL Global Issues SIG. Other topics include classroom reports from Kenya and Romania plus a preview of global education presentations at the November JALT'95 conference in Nagoya. Important summer events to appear in our next newsletter include reports on the June LINGUAPAX conference in Australia and the July International Educators for Peace conference in Vermont.
Special features of this issue are:
Announcements: Projects, pen-pals, Model UN, In memoriam: Valentina Mitina
JALT Global Issues N-SIG Officers / Donating textbooks / Recycled paper
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
Short articles: Relevant Issues by Sabiha Grant / What did you learn in school?
News from JALT and other language teaching organizations
Conference Preview: JALT'95 (November 2-5 in Nagoya, Japan)
Special Report: 1995 TESOL Peace Education Institute in Vermont, USA
Global Issues: A New IATEFL SIG by Steve Flinders
Teaching Global Interdependence as a Subversive Activity by H. Douglas Brown
Conference Report: JET Renewers Conference (May 31 - June 3, Kobe, Japan)
Conference Report: World Education Fellowship (July 10-15, London, England)
Global Perspectives Refresh Classes by Koichiro Hidaka (Asahi Evening News)
Genuine Awareness about Other Cultures by Robert Goddard
Essay Exchanges for EFL by Martha Iancu
Special reports: Peace education in Kenya / Miami global educators visit Japan
Global Education: Who's Doing What?
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network
This newsletter issue, our first for 1995, features announcements of global education summer programs, articles on overseas penpals and cultural diversity, news of the Kobe earthquake plus a special section on environmental education for Earth Day (April 23). We wish our readers all the best in their global education endeavors for the coming year!
Special features of this issue are:
Announcement: Global education summer schools
JALT Global Issues N-SIG Officers / Donating used textbooks / Recycled paper
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
JALT and the Kobe Earthquake by Kevin Staff / Hanshin Earthquake Fund
Report: Global issues presentations at JALT'94 in Matsuyama (Part 2)
Global education news from language teaching organizations
Special feature: Teaching About the Environment
On Track to Century 21: Destination for the 90's by H. Douglas Brown
Linking Classrooms to the World: Environment & EFL by Susan Stempleski
Cross Cultural Communication via Foreign Correspondence by Douglas Hosier
Role Playing via National Geographic by Stuart Salomon
Language Use or Language Usage? by George Jacobs
Cultural Diversity in English Language Teaching by Lavette Coney
Who's Doing What? - Members networking page
Book Reviews:
In the Absence of the Sacred reviewed by Daniel Kirk
Scientific American Reports reviewed by Arlene Alexandrovich
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network
It's been a long hot summer in Japan! We hope you all had a productive holiday. This issue features an exciting variety of news and information on global education: articles on teaching global issues in England and on designing an environmental high school text in Mexico, conference reports and a preview of JALT'94 plus teaching ideas and resources for two key dates this fall: World Food Day (Oct. 16) and United Nations Day (Oct. 24). We wish you good luck with your global education language teaching this fall and look forward to receiving your comments, news or articles for printing in a future newsletter.
Special features of this issue are:
Announcements: Study tours, charity events, calls for presentations
Global education news from language teaching organizations
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
Conference Preview: JALT'94 (October 7-10 in Matsuyama, Japan)
Report: Income from education materials sales – Arlene Alexandrovich
Reports: 1994 JET Renewers’ Conference / LIOJ Summer Workshop
Conference Report: WEF 1994 in Saitama “Education for a World Family”
Special feature: Teaching About the United Nations
Special feature: Teaching About World Hunger
Create a World by Kim Scranton
Producing an Ecology-Based Textbook by A. Lopez et al
A Practical Response to Global Issues by Julie Whitington
Information Sharing Section / Who's Doing What?
International Understanding and the JET Program(me) by Donn Durante
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network
This newsletter issue, our first of the year, is packed with information and resources on global education. Key topics are the teaching of women's issues and teaching about the environment - themes in line with International Women's Day (March 8) and Earth Day (April 22). We hope this issue helps you add a global perspective to your language teaching for 1994!
Special features of this issue are:
Announcements / JALT Global Issues N-SIG list of officers
Global education news from language teaching organizations
Summaries of global education articles in language teaching journals
Conference report: Global education presentations at JALT'93 in Omiya (Part II)
Special Feature: Teaching about Women's Issues
English Conversation Class Helps World Development by Alexandra Schwab
Global Issues as Project Work by Margaret Oertig
Putting On a Hunger Banquet by Jamie Haglund
Communication in English Class by Yumiko Kiguchi
Reports: Peace Education (Armene Modi), African Development (Gordon Sato)
Who's Doing What? - Members networking page
Resource & Information Sharing Section
Integrating Environmental Awareness in ESL by Heidi Gambee & Jeffrey Klausman
Environmentally Friendly Classroom by Sandy Buffet
Directories of Global Issue Groups in Japan
Book Corner: New books on global education & language teaching
New language teaching textbooks dealing with global issues
Global education materials available from the Global Issues Network
Coming Events Calendar / Global Issues in Language Education Network