Newsletter Archives
Here, finally, is our GILE Newsletter for winter 2008. Apologies for the delay getting this out to you! Due to a heavy workload (which included organizing the 6th Asian Youth Forum), I had to skip our fall issue. Rest assured that everyone will get an extra issue to make up for this. Our main articles deal with (1) a college EFL course designed by J. Paul Marlowe on global education principles, (2) an international photo album exchange run by Kathleen Geraghty, and (3) on-line videos for teaching social issues recommended by Chris Summerville. We also feature a list of global issue calendars, teachable moments for 2009, a report on JALT 2008, a tribute to Darlene Larson plus lots of global education news, events and info.
Special features this issue:
Abstracts of articles on global themes from language teaching journals
News from JALT and other language teaching organizations
Conference Report: Global Issues Sessions at JALT 2008 (Tokyo)
Designing a College Global Studies EFL Course by J. Paul Marlowe
Bring the World to Class with Photo Exchanges by Kathleen Geraghty
On-line Videos for Teaching Social Issues by Chris Summerville
Who’s Doing What? (with In Memoriam tribute to Darlene Larson)
Special Feature: Teachable Moments for the Year 2009
Book Profiles: Resource Books on Language, Peace and Global Issues
Global issue calendars and datebooks for the year 2009
Our late spring newsletter for 2008 includes a rich variety of global education articles, announce-ments, resources and information. Our first article, by Charles Kowalski, describes a content-based “peace studies” course designed for EFL students in Japan. Next, Gail Okuma and Nina Handjeva-Weller introduce a teaching unit on the theme of “heroes” which aims to promote student courage, action and social responsibility. Our third article, by Maggie Lieb, discusses Orientalism, Occidentalism and the dangers of stereotyping and over-generalizing in ELT textbooks. Also included in this issue is a tribute to the late Japan-based global educator Bill Balsamo, who recently passed away in Himeji, a special section on “teaching about whistleblowers” plus a round-up of global education news, events and information.
Special features this issue:
Abstracts of articles on global themes from language teaching journals
News from JALT and other language teaching organizations
Designing an EFL Peace Studies Course by Charles Kowalski
Finding the Hero in Ourselves by Gail Okuma & Nina Handjeva-Weller
Special Feature: Teaching about Whistleblowers
EFL: Are We Uniting or Dividing People? by Maggie Lieb
Who’s Doing What? (with special In Memoriam tribute to Bill Balsamo)
News and information from the field of global education
Language textbooks on global education themes
September has come and, for many of us, it’s back to school! Key articles in this fall issue focus on (1) a summer English camp designed to promote intercultural understanding between Korean and Japanese high school students and (2) an environmental appeal to EFL publishers to reduce junk mail. In 2009, Japan will introduce a new citizen-based “lay judge” jury system. To prepare for this, we present here a special section on “Teaching about Great World Trials” with classroom ideas to help raise students’ legal awareness as they learn about the trials of famous historical figures such as Socrates, Galileo, Joan of Arc, Alfred Dreyfus, Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. Also included are previews of the upcoming 2007 conferences and events including GALE (Gender Awareness), PGL VI (Peace as a Global Language), Global Festa and JALT 2007 (in Tokyo) plus lots of global education news, resources and information.
Special features this issue:
Abstracts of articles on global themes from language teaching journals
Conference Preview: Global Issues at JALT 2007 (Tokyo, Japan)
Conference News: PGL VI, Korea TESOL and the JET Program
Special Feature: Teaching about Great World Trials
A Korea-Japan English Camp by Joo-Kyung Park & Robert J. Dickey
Requesting EFL Publishers to Reduce Waste by Greg Goodmacher
Book Profiles: Books about Law, Peace and Social Issues
Language textbooks on global education themes
Our April GILE newsletter for spring 2007 includes three key articles: (1) Our main feature is an article on the topic of global issues, social responsibility and teacher education by Canada-based teacher trainer Wendy Royal. (2) Our second article by Paul Breen calls for a global education approach to college English teaching in Korea. (3) Our final article by Gerry Luton describes an ESL fund-raising project which has students choose a class charity, study the global issue that it addresses, give presentations on the organization’s work, then raise money for their charity through a school bake sale event. Also included in this issue are reports on global issue presentations at the fall JALT 2006 conference, recent activities of language teaching organizations plus other global education news, events and information.
Special features this issue:
Abstracts of articles on global themes from language teaching journals
News from JALT and other language teaching organizations
Conference Report: Global Issues at JALT 2006 (Kitakyushu)
Global Issues and Teacher Education by Wendy Royal
Teaching English for World Citizenship by Paul Breen
Saving the World While Learning ESL by Gerry Luton
News and information / Who’s Doing What?
Language textbooks on global education themes
Book Profile: Two New Book Series on Global Issue Themes
Despite the lingering summer heat, it’s now September and time to head back to school. To help rekindle your enthusiasm for the classroom, this issue includes a special section on World Teachers’ Day (October 5) with resources, quotes, books and movies about teaching and education. Our main articles focus on (1) creative classroom activities from Emma Lingwood for helping Japanese students discuss global issues and (2) the second article in our two-part series by Jonathan Lynch on organizing overseas eco-tours. This edition also includes a report on a recent Korean conference on globalization and foreign language teaching, a list of global issues presentations at the spring 2006 JET Renewers’ Conference and a sneak preview of global education sessions at the JALT 2006 conference this November. Do try to attend!
Special features this issue:
Abstracts of articles on global themes from language teaching journals
Conference Preview: Global Issues at JALT 2006 (Kitakyushu)
Conference Report: Globalization and Language Teaching (Korea)
Conference Report: JET Renewers’ Conference / EPA
Taking Students on an Overseas Eco-Tour (Part 2) by Jonathan Lynch
Discussing Global Issues in the EFL Classroom by Emma Lingwood
Special feature: Teaching and Education - World Teachers’ Day
Book Profiles: Books about Teaching and Education
News and information on global issue topics
This edition of our Global Issues Newsletter marks our first issue of 2006 and our 60th anniversary issue since we began publishing in 1990. Our main features include (1) a description of an EFL global awareness program for children called Kids International by Brian Byrd and his colleagues, (2) an article on English as a window to the world by Danish teacher Else Brendholdt and (3) a description of a college EFL peace studies course by Matsuyama University educator Gregory Gray. Conference reports include an overview of global issue sessions at the fall 2005 Peace as a Global Language (PGL IV) conference in Kyoto plus sessions on global themes at the 2005 Asia TEFL conference in Beijing, China. We also introduce a “No Nonsense” book series on global issues plus lots of exciting news from the field of global education.
Special features this issue:
News from JALT and other language teaching organizations
Conference Report: Global Issues at Asia TEFL 2005 (Beijing, China)
Conference Report: Peace as a Global Language (PGL IV – Kyoto)
Bringing the World to Our Children by Brian Byrd and colleagues
Developing an EFL Peace Studies Course by Gregory Gray
English as a Window to the World by Else Brendholdt
News and information / Who’s Doing What?
Book Profile: The No Nonsense Guides to Global Issues
Language textbooks on global themes
Our 2008 summer newsletter comes out as teachers in Japan wrap up their spring semester grading and brace themselves for a hot and humid August. Our main articles this edition comprise (1) a description by Mark Hunter of a high school EFL global issues program which focuses on extensive reading, paragraph writing and micro-credit lending; (2) a report by Jon Dujmovich on an innovative English course entitled “The World in My Neighborhood” designed on multicultural education principles; and (3) a language teacher’s introduction to the issue of human trafficking by Patricia Aliperti. Also included are ideas and resources for teaching about the Olympic Games, a report on global issue sessions at the TESOL 2008 conference in New York plus lots of global education news, events and information. Have a great summer!
Special features this issue:
Abstracts of articles on global themes from language teaching journals
News from JALT and other language teaching organizations
Conference Report: Global Issues at TESOL 2008 (New York, USA)
Teaching English through Global Issues Content by Mark Hunter
The World in My Neighborhood Project (WIMN) by Jon Dujmovich
Teaching about Human Trafficking by Patricia Aliperti
Special Feature: Teaching about the Olympics
News and information from the field of global education
Book Profiles: Resource Books for Teaching about the Olympic Games
Our January issue is finally out after a long, busy fall semester on my part. Sorry to keep everyone waiting! Key articles in this winter issue focus on (1) a discussion of ethical issues in language teaching by Canadian ESL expert Mary Ashworth, including her comments about teaching “English for torture”, (2) a description by Tracy Cramer about how a “Families of the World” video series can promote global awareness in the EFL classroom, and (3) a report by Todd Thorpe on how Japanese EFL students designed and performed a musical on a global issues theme. Our special feature this issue is a list of key events and anniversaries scheduled to take place in the year 2008 that language teachers can build lessons around. Also included are reports on global issue presentations at the recent JALT 2007 conference, recent activities of language teaching organizations plus other global education news, events and information.
Special features this issue:
Abstracts of articles on global themes from language teaching journals
Conference Report: Global Issues at JALT 2007 (Tokyo, Japan)
10 Questions About Ethical Issues in EFL by Mary Ashworth
Using “Families of the World” Videos in EFL by Tracy Cramer
Staging a Musical to Explore Global Issues by Todd Thorpe
Special Feature: Teachable Moments - Key Anniversaries in 2008
Language textbooks on global education themes
Global issue calendars and datebooks for the year 2008
Welcome to our 2007 summer newsletter! Our main articles focus on (1) a global issues ESL course designed by David Royal that engaged students in taking action in their everyday lives, and (2) a survey of textbook characters in school English texts undertaken by Naoko Harada with an analysis of how these have changed over the 60 years since World War II. The year 2007 marks the 10th anniversary of the deaths of Mother Teresa (Nobel Peace Prize winner) and Princess Diana (activist for AIDS and landmines). It also marks the 200th anniversary of the 1807 British abolition of the slave trade, an event being commemorated around the world. In this issue, we present a special section on “Teaching about Slavery” with ideas and resources to help you teach about this in your classroom. Also included is a report on the spring TESOL 2007 conference plus lots of global education news and information. Have a great summer!
Special features this issue:
Abstracts of articles on global themes from language teaching journals
News from JALT and other language teaching organizations
Conference Report: Global Issues at TESOL 2007 (Seattle, USA)
Character Identities in Post-War EFL Textbooks by Naoko Harada
Global Issues, Everyday Actions by David Royal
Special feature: Teaching about Slavery
Language textbooks on global education themes
Book Profiles: Books about Slavery and the Slave Trade
Here, finally, is our next GILE Newsletter for winter 2006! Apologies to everyone for making you wait for this to appear. Our special theme this issue is “Esperanto” with teaching ideas, information and a feature article by JALT member and Esperanto expert Alain Lauffenburger. Other articles focus on (1) the United Nations Decade for Sustainable Development and its implications for language teachers; (2) a description of a new teacher-designed EFL textbook on Gender Issues, and (3) current research findings about how language learning can contribute to intercultural understanding. Also included are reports on recent activities in language teaching organizations, a list of global issue calendars for the year 2007 as well as lots of global education news, events and information. Have a great spring break!
Special features this issue:
Abstracts of articles on global themes from language teaching journals
News from JALT and other language teaching organizations
Special feature: Teaching about Esperanto
Teaching Esperanto for a Better World by Alain Lauffenburger
The UN Decade for Sustainable Development by J. Bacha & R. Allen
Language Learning and Cross-cultural Attitudes by David Ingram
Teaching Gender Issues Today by Jane Joritz-Nakagawa
Language textbooks on global education themes
Global issue calendars and datebooks for the year 2007
Our 2006 summer newsletter comes out as teachers in Japan gear up for the end of the spring semester, for final exams, for the end of the rainy season and for a steaming summer of “mushi-atsui” (hot-and-humid) weather. Our main articles in this edition focus on (1) creative activities from Heidi Evans for practicing language skills while promoting student awareness of animal issues; (2) the first part of a step-by-step guide by Jonathan Lynch on how to organize overseas eco-tours, and (3) a task-based EFL teaching unit by David Peaty designed around international prizes for global citizenship. Also included are a report on global education presentations at the spring TESOL 2006 conference in Florida, a list of books on world countries and issues, and lots of global education news, events and information. Have a great summer!
Special features this issue:
Abstracts of articles on global themes from language teaching journals
News from JALT and other language teaching organizations
Conference Report: Global Issues at TESOL 2006 (Tampa, Florida)
Go Wild! Teaching and Learning about Animal Issues by Heidi Evans
Taking Students on an Overseas Eco-Tour (Part 1) by Jonathan Lynch
The World Challenge by David Peaty
News and information
Book Profiles: Books on World Countries and Issues
Language textbooks on global themes