Newsletter Archives
Our fall GILE Newsletter for 2014 includes special features include: (a) a section on teaching about “walls around the world” with a focus on the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, (b) a list of ideas and resources for teaching about the 100th anniversary of the famous 1914 World War I Christmas truce, and (c) a list of global issue calendars for the year 2015.
This spring 2014 edition of our GILE Newsletter includes a national appeal to English teachers and students for Youth Peace Messages, a special section of teaching ideas for this summer’s World Cup soccer championship in Brazil, a report on TESOL 2014 in Portland plus a round-up of global education news and events.
This fall newsletter goes to press as teachers and students in Japan enjoy the autumn colors and prepare for winter. A feature article from Oxfam explains how to provide Education for Global Citizenship. Our special feature this time looks at how short bumper sticker messages can be used in class to promote language skills, cultural understanding and social awareness. Other items include a report on the recent JALT 2013 conference held in Kobe, a list of global issue datebooks and calendars for 2014 plus a round-up of global education news, events and information.
Our spring newsletter comes out as teachers and students get back to school after the “Golden Week” holiday in Japan. To commemorate the recent death of Japanese journalist Mika Yamamoto in Syria, we include a special section on teaching about “freedom of the press”. Other items in this edition include a report on this spring’s TESOL 2013 conference in Dallas, Texas, a list of resource books for teaching about conflict resolution plus updates on all the latest global education news and events.
Here, finally, is our fall GILE Newsletter, delayed by two recent business trips to Mexico and to Russia. Our special theme for this newsletter edition is Teaching about Territorial Issues. This includes a variety of teaching ideas, activities and resources on the topic of border disputes, including Japan’s conflicts with China and Korea over Dokdo / Takeshima and the Diaoyu / Senkaku Islands. This issue also features a report on the recent JALT 2012 conference, a list of global issue calendars for the year 2013 plus a summary of global education news, events and information.
Our spring 2012 newsletter contains a rich variety of themes, from controversial issues in the classroom to the summer Olympic Games to ideas for teaching about history through poetry. We also include a report on the IATEFL 2012 conference, a section on teaching about the London Olympics, a list of data atlases on global themes plus a round-up of the latest global education news, events and information.
​Our summer newsletter for 2014 includes reports on this spring’s 2014 IATEFL congress in Harrogate, England (April) and the annual PANSIG conference in Kyushu, Japan (May). We also feature a special section of teaching activities and resources to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I plus a round-up of the latest global education news and events.
​Our first GILE newsletter for the year 2014 contains classroom ideas for teaching about whistleblowers, teachable moments for the year 2014 and a tribute to the late Kevin Cleary, President of JALT. We also include conference reports on PGL 2013, Shin Ei-ken and the 12th Asian Youth Forum plus a round-up of global education news, events and information.
​This summer newsletter comes out as teachers and students here and abroad strive to stay cool and safe amid soaring temperatures and heavy rains. Our special feature this issue is a lesson about peace activist and “world citizen” Garry Davis who passed away in the US in July. Other items include a report on this spring’s IATEFL 2013 conference in Liverpool, resource books on war and peace plus a round-up of global education news, events and resources.
Issue #86 (Februaru 2013)
Our summer newsletter comes out just as the 2012 Olympic Games kick off in London. We also include a Call for Papers for this fall’s Peace as a Global Language (PGL) conference in Sapporo, a report on the TESOL 2012 conference in Philadelphia, a spotlight on celebrity linguists (with a list of bi- and multi-lingual actors, singers and athletes) plus a round-up of recent global education news, events and information. Have a great summer and enjoy the Olympics!
​Our first GILE newsletter of the year 2012 comes out as the civil conflict in Syria intensifies and just a week before the 1-year anniversary of last spring’s triple disaster in Tohoku. We include a list of teachable moments for 2012, a report on the JALT 2011 conference plus lots of global ed news, events and information.