First Peoples Series - Lemer Publications (2002)
- Aboriginal Peoples of Australia - Anne Bartlett
- The Ainu of Japan - Barbara Poisson
- The Aymara of South America - James Eagen
- The Bedouin of the Middle East - Elizabeth Losleben
- The Cree of North America - Deborah Robinson
- The Hmong of Southeast Asia - Sandra Millett
- The Inuit of Canada - Danielle Corriveau
- The Kurds of Asia - Anthony Lobaido
- The Maori of New Zealand - S. Theunissen
- The Masai of Africa - Lisa McQuail
- The Mohawks of North America - Connie Ann Kirk
- The Navajo of North America - Gerald Knowles
- The Sami of Northern Europe - Deborah Robinson
- The San of Africa - Linda Parker
- The Yanomami of South America - Raya Tahan
- The Zulu of Africa - Nita Gleimius
Threatened Cultures Series - Wayland (1992/2000/2010)
- Australian Aborigines - Richard Nile
- The Maori - Robert MacDonald
- Rainforest Amerindians - Anna Lewington
- Native Americans - James Wilson
- The Bedouin - John King
- The Inuit - Bryan Alexander
- The Tibetans - Judith Kendra
- The Saami of Lapland - Piers Vitebsky
- Romanichal Gypsies - Thomas Acton
Wayland Atlas of Threatened Cultures - Viebsky (1996)
The Gaia Atlas of First Peoples - Julian Burger (1990)
Teaching Resources for the Maori
- Whale Rider (2002) - The story of a Maori girl who defies tradition in order to fulfill her destiny.
- The Piano (1993) - The story of a mute British woman who is sent to New Zealand in the 1850s.
- Once Were Warriors (1994) - The story of a modern Maori family and the social problems that they face.
Non Fiction
- Tikanga Maori - Hirini Moko Mead
- Decolonising Methodologies - Linda T. Smith
- Tangata When: Illustrated History - Harris
- Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou: Struggle Without End - Ranginui Walker
- Coming of the Maori - Te Rangi Hiroa-Buck
- Ask that Mountain - Dick Scott
- Maori and Criminal Justice - Jackson
- The Parihaka Woman - Witi Ihimaera
- Pounamu, Pounamu - Witi Ihimaera
- Waiariki - Patricia Grace
- Tu - Patricia Grace
- The Bone People - Keri Hulme
Picture Books
Picture books based on Maori legends by Peter Gossage
TED Talk Video Clips
- Mana: Power in Knowing Who You Are - Tame Iti
- My Whakapapa Saved My Life - Paringatai
- Indigenous Knowledge Has Value - Bristol
- A Million Conversations in Te Reo Maori - Glens
- Our Cultural Identity as New ZealandersI - Bryers